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General Hospital Spoilers: Is Taggert Suited for Jordan’s Job — or Would Anna Be a Better Fit?


General Hospital Spoilers: Is Taggert Suited for Jordan’s Job — or Would Anna Be a Better Fit?General Hospital Spoilers reveal Marcus Taggert (Réal Andrews) recently stopped by Jordan Ashford’s (Tanisha Harper) office with a big ask. He needs a job. He is craving something that will give him routine and structure in his life so he’s not spending his days crying over his little girl and feeling as though he doesn’t have a daughter anymore.

Jordan sympathized; she can’t imagine what Taggert is going through right now. Conveniently, Laura Collins (Genie Francis) was just in Jordan’s office asking her to step up and be the interim Mayor while she is out of the country looking for Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss). Is Taggert really the best fit for Jordan’s job, though? Will we see her admit to considering Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) for the role?

General Hospital Spoilers — Jordan is On Her Way Out

Either way, rumor has it Jordan is on her way out, and this won’t be a temporary role for her. Rather, when Laura returns, she may decide that Jordan would best serve the community by being her Deputy Mayor — a role that hasn’t been filled since Eileen Ashby (Heather Mazur) was killed by Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy). If Jordan permanently moved into the junior role to Laura, that means whoever she is putting her position as the Police Commissioner just might stick around, too.

GH Spoilers Indicate Taggert Needs a New Lease on Life

Taggert truly does need something to keep his mind off of Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali). When he told her the results of the DNA test wouldn’t change anything, he knew in his heart of hearts that he was lying to both her and himself. Now, the truth is out. Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) is Trina‘s biological father. Taggert walks away with nothing but memories. He may feel like Curtis will be there to scoop up the rest of Trina’s life while he fades to black. Is he really in any position — mentally — to take on such an important role as the Police Commissioner of Port Charles?

General Hospital Spoilers — Anna is Desperate for Change

Of course, we would ask the same question about Anna. She’s just been dismissed by the WSB, and her heart is broken. Anna doesn’t even know who she is if she’s not a WSB agent. She won’t know how to place herself in her own relationship with Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart), who is still very much an agent with the organization.

So much of their relationship has been built on a shared passion of being a spy, and on their wild adventures together chasing down criminals. Now, Anna is unemployed and has no idea what her future looks like. If Jordan offered her the position of Commish instead, would she even accept ir? Can Jordan even go out on that with him after how badly Anna was smeared when she was outed as a double agent to the public? Keep checking back with us for more GH news and spoilers to find out who will rule the roost in Port Chuck this summer.

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